The Benefits of Regular Car Servicing

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The Benefits of Regular Car Servicing

Many of us are lazy about carrying out regular servicing of the car. Procrastination plays a significant role in delaying the servicing leading the car to defects or break down. We have observed that at least 70% of the car owners opt for corrective maintenance rather than preventive maintenance. Car servicing is the most reliable method to locate issues that may turn into major defects. Identifying and correcting the issue at the initial stage will not only save time and money but also avoid problems midway a trip.

Several benefits of regular car servicing make it advisable to pursue a proper periodic maintenance schedule. Nowadays, the repair and servicing data is entered in the system, which can be accessed by the reputed servicing centres in the subject network. They will remind you about the servicing falling due shortly. For you to schedule it and book a servicing slot in advance.

Enhances Life of the Vehicle

 A qualified maintainer inspects the vehicle during the periodic servicing and undertakes necessary repair or replacement. Failing which, it may lead to cascading effect and turn the associated components defective. Consequently, the overall health of the vehicle increases considerably. 

Improves On-road Performance

The performance of the car on the road deteriorates over the period due to the usage and wear and tear of components. The repair, refurbishment, and replacement during the regular car service process will be instrumental in restoring the performance of the car. Thus, you can enjoy the drive as in a new car, when you pursue regular car servicing without fail.

Safety Aspects

Imagine a condition wherein you applied brakes suddenly and the tyre bursts. It can be a major accident, which may turn fatal. One of the main reasons for tyre bursts is the wearing out of plies. Although an individual can inspect it, many times we miss out on checking the tyres. The technical team at the maintenance centre will examine every component and do the needful to prevent any mishaps or problems. This is a point of paramount importance among the benefits of regular car servicing.

Ensure Fuel-efficiency

The wear and tear of engine components and accessories and other similar issues can affect the mileage of the car. In turn, your car will not have the fuel efficiency it had during the initial days. Regular periodic servicing will be beneficial in reinstating the fuel efficiency of the car. And saving you money in this era of skyrocketing fuel prices.

Engine Health Monitoring

Regular servicing is vital for engine health monitoring. The technicians will not only visually inspect the engine but also will undertake a functional inspection to ascertain the condition. It benefits in improving the engine performance optimally.

Increases Resale Value

The effect of proper maintenance will be evident from the vehicle appearance as well as performance. The buyer will check the vehicle with the help of an experienced technician before proceeding with the deal. A properly maintained vehicle will have better resale value than a non-maintained one. As the components, accessories and the overall performance of the vehicle will be great. You must subject your vehicle for regular servicing to get the best price if you plan to sell the car.

Functioning of Electrical Components and Indicators

You might have seen the frequent failure of warning lamps, irregularity in indicator functioning etcetera as you use the vehicle for a prolonged period, without maintenance. This may turn troublesome during the drive, especially during long drives. Imagine you get an engine low oil warning that may be only due to electric malfunction. The warning will put you in panic and affect the enjoyment of the trip. Regular car servicing will save you from this.

The things to be Considered While Undertaking Regular Car Servicing

You must observe the following points when you undertake periodic servicing of the car:

  • Choose a reputed and reliable servicing centre for periodic preventive, as well as, corrective maintenance of your car.
  • Try to service your car at the specific servicing centre if possible. A servicing centre with branches at different places may be considered viewing this point.
  • Prepare the list of defects and observations before you hand over the vehicle for servicing. And ask the technical supervisor to include all the points in the job car for further inspection and correction.
  • Test-drive the car on receipt for confirming that they have complied with all the servicing process and liquidated all the defects.
  • Contact the service centre or their customer care if you observe any abnormality of recurrence of the defect after driving the car for a couple of days.
  • Periodic replacement of oils and fluids is necessary for maintaining the vehicle and engine health. Never ask the service centre to postpone the replenishment to the next servicing.
  • Don’t direct the servicing centre to hurry through the process as you have the requirement of the vehicle. It will reduce the efficacy of servicing and affect your vehicle.
The benefits of regular car servicing are both technical and economical. Regular servicing will ensure that the car is technically strong enough that you can use the car for long-distance travel unconcerned. The economic aspect includes increased fuel efficiency, thus saving on fuel expenses, fewer repair works, good resale value and so on. We always advise the clientele to keep a watch on the periodic servicing due date and undertake the same without any delay. In fact, the customer need not maintain a calendar for regular servicing. Since the servicing centre will be monitoring it. They will inform the customer in advance about the schedule.

You may reach out to us regarding any questions on car maintenance, buying used cars or brand new models. Our experienced professionals will provide detailed input about your doubts and clarify all your concerns. Do contact us today to discuss anything related to vehicles. 

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